Saturday, June 9, 2012

last ap bio blog

My favorite topic of the semester was on sexual reproduction because i am amazed on how in depth the steps are in creating an offspring
My least favorite topic of the semester was on domains and kingdoms etc.. i didnt really understand those
I would change the fact that we had to work so hard on the online simulations and they didnt really help thaaat much
My biggest accomplishment is surviving and lets see if i passed the exam!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

genome 10 prevention

In this chapter of genome, ridley talks about various kinds of dieases. Ridley focuses on the diseases that had no cure int he past but in present time  now does. Ridley states that it is our duty and common sense to treat those diseases when the option to do so its available or  when certain information is available. He talks about the process of apo processing and how it helps control the metabolism in humans and the synthesis of fat. He also talks about how it relates to cholestrol and that genetic testing may help scientists plan a healthy diet and eating style that may be beneficial to ones apo genes. ridley then talks about Alzheimers disease and shows a connection to apoe. he also discusses the issues of genetic testing on patients with alzheimers and unfounded fatalism conveyed the patient. He also suggest that doctors should use genetic testing everyday to diagnose and talk about the negative effects in the release of genetic information to the government etc 

genome 9 politics

In this chapter of genome, politics, the author emphasizes the theme of this chapter to be a mystery. Ridley talks about the mysterious gene called the prp. He talks about when cattles and sheep were genetically enhanced or improved in order to test a various amount of specimens. After the testing of the specimens, many of the cattle and sheep developed symptoms of lunacy. Ridley states that a similar disease are found in human that are in papua new guneia called kuru. They are found in mostlyv women and children. many children and women in the tribes often performed cannibalistic behavior in which they consumed our humans. The men would eat only the muscle and the rest of the organs went to the women and the children. The scneintist have called the disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.the gene prp have been known to be produce a very tough and sticky form and kills all attempts to destroy it.

genome 8 environment

In this chapter of genome, the author states that genetic inheritance is based on the principles of pleiotropy, pluriasm, and the environment. The tone of the passage of the chapter is a lot different than many other chapters. He states that mendelian leads fellow readers to believe what he wants them to believe. The asthma gene is located in chromosome 5 however their disorder cant be simplified or reduced to a genetic level. Allergies are said to have a close relationship with asthma due based on genetics. Asthma have been increasing throughout the world because of many factors such as pollution by many hazardous chemicals. Hazardous chemicals which include isocyanates, and excessive hygiene. Many scientists hunt on finding the asthma gene and in the end the closest genes that they have found are the ones that produce immunoglobulin as it comes in different types of forms. This gene is involved with the release of histamine and the cause of this gene is basically due to the environment.

Genome 7 free will

In this chapter, ridley talks about free will. He discusses the topic of free will by adding in genetics and freedom itself. He questions whether or not the environment have a effect. He states that if because one thing happened when they were young, doesnt not ultimately allow them to act like this when they are older. Ridley thinks that children tend to care more about their parents than they do of their on child. This is very interesting because i think i would care about my parents more than my kids in the near future. Children tend to shape their selves with the accordance of their genes and their peers. stinner believed that all of human behaviors was just a response to stimuli. he also states that humans deny this because they want to have power and control over themselves and refuse to accept this theory. He lastly states that humans in short terms are very unlikely to be predictable where as in the long term effect, they are more predictable.

Genome 6th Death

In the chapter of this book, this chapter centralizes on cancer, which may cause and lead to death. Cancer is known as the reproducing of cells when they are not needed to and produced excess cells. A gene in which is called tp53 acts as a suppressor for the rogue cancer cells. The tp53 is located on chromosome 17 and suppress tumor producing cells. The genes help encourage cell growth and therefore cancer is caused when they are kept on working. As time progresses, a person with a tumor gets into more danger as their cells are constantly dividing, thus more mutations are created. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are both mutator genes that cause breast cancer in many woman. tp53 produces a protein that halts cell division and slows the growth of cancer. A lot of types of tp53 gets mutated very early and many medical treatment have little effect. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy do not always work very effectively in the later stages of their diseases.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

blog Invertebrates

Arachnids:They include Spiders, Scorpions, ticks, mites. Arachnids tend to have a hard exoskeleton and jointed appendages in order to support walking. Most of the Arachnids have 4 pairs of legs with equals to 8 total. They vary in size, while some surpass over 8 inches in length.  Some arachnids contain poison on their fangs, which excretes when bitten/stung to kill their prey. Spiders also have silk in order to produce egg sacks and catch prey as well. They have a hard body structure, many legs used for walking, and poisoness self defense mechanisms but they are also used for prey hunting

Insects:This group are considered one of the largest group of arthropods which contain about 800,000 different types. They have 3 body segments called the head, abdomen, and the thorax. Insects may have wings which enable them to fly while some do not simply need to fly. The wings are located on thorax. The thorax also consist of legs for walking or jumping.Insects have compound eyes for example, the fly has about 4000 lenses in a single eye. The insects hard exoskeleton makes them hard to grow to a bigger size and most insects molt in order to grow. Consist of 3 body segments, wings, and many eye lenses.molt=shedding of the out layer/skeleton

Annelids:Annelids consist of worms and leeches.  There are around 9000 known species that are found today. They have been on earth for over 120 million years and can be found at almost anywhere. Their body structure is divided into segments and have well developed internal organs. They are unique because they have no limbs. The most common type of Annelids are called earthworms, parasitic worms found in the human body like tapeworms, roundworms, and flatworms. They may also grow up to 100 ft in length. They do not contain the thorax, wings, or hard body structure like the other two.