Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Genome 7 free will

In this chapter, ridley talks about free will. He discusses the topic of free will by adding in genetics and freedom itself. He questions whether or not the environment have a effect. He states that if because one thing happened when they were young, doesnt not ultimately allow them to act like this when they are older. Ridley thinks that children tend to care more about their parents than they do of their on child. This is very interesting because i think i would care about my parents more than my kids in the near future. Children tend to shape their selves with the accordance of their genes and their peers. stinner believed that all of human behaviors was just a response to stimuli. he also states that humans deny this because they want to have power and control over themselves and refuse to accept this theory. He lastly states that humans in short terms are very unlikely to be predictable where as in the long term effect, they are more predictable.

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